By: Simone Pete District Bulletin Editor and Public Relations Committee
If you had a blast at this year’s Student Leadership Convention (SLC) then you are going to want to attend International Convention (ICON)! ICON is the biggest event of the Key Club year! Here we celebrate the amazing things Key Club members do with more than 1,500 students from all across nations.
At International Convention, you will have the opportunity to be surrounded by your fellow servant leaders creating a bridge for long-lasting friendships, the inspiration for action, and what it truly means to be in Key Club.
ICON also offers the opportunity to travel around the country. It is important to travel and see how other people and cultures live because it opens your mind and allows you to learn other ways you can serve.
This year was particularly special because ICON had taken place in Baltimore “Charm City”! This colorful, diverse city that is Maryland’s largest city and economic hub, is known for its beautiful harbor, quirky, distinct neighborhoods, unique museums, and mouthwatering crab cakes. Although this city is small in size, Baltimore makes up for it with its vibrancy. Much like a Key Clubber!
When we think about making a difference we fall for the myth that what we start out doing has to be enormous to have any effect. However, I’ve learned that it does not. The easiest way to think about making a difference in this world is to inspire one person first. By joining an organization like Key Club you have already taken your first steps in making a difference!
You can still use this time this summer whether you were in Baltimore or at the pool to make a difference. That difference can be as simple as extending oneself to another who may feel out of place or as large as initiating a large-scale project to help your community.
Here are some ways attending ICON has inspired your Georgia District Board members:

“My favorite part of ICON each year is getting to meet so many Key Clubbers from different districts. I enjoy trading pins with them at the Meet and Greet and throughout the convention. Some of my fondest memories from the convention were the times spent playing late night Uno and card games with my friends. We bonded over bubble tea and gyros and became regulars at the Starbucks a few blocks away. This was one of the most memorable weeks of my life!” Olivia Twiggs District Secretary-Treasurer

“I have been keeping contact with people all over the U.S.A, like New York and California. We made everlasting memories and I truly miss ICON. I will admit, however, I was very tired and running on little sleep, but the entire experience was worth it all. I finally met the people I have looked up to since I was like 9. Laura and Vanessa Marano have been such an inspiration to me and I finally had the chance to meet them and listen to them talk about Thirst Project.” Shrinidhi Vaideeswaran Lt. Governor Division 1

“There aren’t many words that could describe how much fun ICON was. My favorite part of the convention was definitely being able to meet new people and bonding more with the ones I had already known. If there’s one thing for sure, this trip allowed me to grow as a person and as a Key Clubber. “ Shreeya Chalasani Lt. Governor Division 5

“ICON was one of the most memorable trips of my life. Let me just say the House of Delegates is very interesting. Listening to everybody’s debates on the different amendments kept me entertained. Being able to vote for our international president, vice president, and trustees are so important. One of the biggest things I gained from attending ICON was the friendships that will last a lifetime. “ Cassady Hsu Lt. Governor Division 8

“It was fascinating for me to see people all around the world coming together because of one cause: Key Club. The contagious spirit and zeal in the room gave me the energy I had never before possessed, and with the energy I harnessed, I plan to serve Key Club with all I have this upcoming school year.” Tad Kim Lt. Governor Division 9

“When I first heard about ICON, I thought it would be like any ordinary convention where attendees would sit and listen to boring lectures. I was told it was a life experience that I would never forget and indeed it was. After our first day, we went to eat at the city’s infamous Hard Rock Cafe. After we finished it started to pour, but that did not stop us. We ran around, played and had so much that I never could have imagined. The fun I had in the rain lasted throughout the week, and by the time closing session came around, I was longing for another week. I too will now tell others of ICON’s greatness and how it was the experience of a lifetime!” Shivum Lal Lt. Governor Division 11

“They had many fun classes, too. I went to a karaoke one. We all sing our hearts out in that class. There was a Hamilton hip-hop dance one that was fun. We got to make our own dance as a group. I really enjoyed getting to know my board members better during the trip, so I hope I can go again next year!!!” Victora Cayetano Lt. Governor Division 12

“ICON was completely ICONIC. From the action-packed moments to the not so action-packed moments like the bus ride. What an experience! My favorite thing was meeting so many fellow Key Clubbers from CNH, West Virginia and Alabama as well as getting close with my fellow board members! Overall ICON was a blast!” Julio Del Toro Lt. Governor Division 13

“The first night was the “meet and Greet” so that’s when we got to trade pins with other key clubbers, dance, get to meet others and see the different organizations that key club sponsors. The next day we had our opening session and a workshop, after that we got to explore the city and get to see the fireworks! That night was SOO MUCH FUN! Plenty key clubbers basically had a pool party after the fireworks. I’ve learned soo much from this trip and it was the best experiences a girl could ever ask for. So, thank you GA Key Club!!” Moriah Davis Lt. Governor Division 14

“I think everyone at the convention knew how difficult it was to catch an elevator, or how lucky it was to not have an elevator that was overflowing. If you were lucky to get an empty elevator, it would stop at EVERY FLOOR, and people would be pressing the close button constantly. Because of the difficulty of catching an elevator on time, most people would end up running down or up the stairs. The sound of heels slamming against the metal stairs would cause me to jump up. An upside of the long ride was that we constantly met new people from different districts, which was so fun. In the end, I will never forget the elevators at the hotel. Overall, my experience with this year’s ICON was amazing, and it is something that I won’t forget!” Melanie Kim Contest and Policy Chair
We can’t wait to hear about all that you do this summer, hope you will be able to create memories with us next ICON!
Thank you to the Georgia District Board of Trustees for all the support and guidance. Special thanks to all Key Clubs across Georgia, without your valiant efforts and participation, the Key Ring would not be where it is today.
Key Ring: The Key Ring is the official Blog of the Georgia District. It helps the district spread awareness of Key Club and allows clubs to share their success stories and to learn from each other. The Key Ring is a member-run and blog, published five times a year. The blog contains service project ideas, upcoming district and international event information, and so much more! The content is developed and 100% by the editor but made possible by the content submitted by Key Club Members across Georgia.
MISSION STATEMENT: To unify all Key Club across Georgia, advocate its interests, celebrate accomplishments and establish a culture of service while striving to uphold the highest key club standards.
VISION STATEMENT: Key Ring aspires to be a top source of unbiased, reliable, accurate news branded for all Georgia Key Clubs and community.
Want your club highlighted in the next Key Ring? Send an email to me at that includes an article (150-250 words) and two pictures about a service project, fundraiser or other cool things that your Key Club has done this year!