Written by Jessica Shin, Kiwanis Family / Major Emphasis Chair
Trick-or-Treat for Unicef is a chance for Key Club members to contribute to Unicef and the Eliminate Project. It was founded by Mary Emma Allison in 1950. She got the idea from seeing a Unicef booth collecting funds for powdered milk for malnourished children. She thought it would be a good idea for children to collect donations instead of candy to contribute to Unicef. Therefore, during Halloween, her family got children in their community to collect dimes and nickels in decorated milk cartons to aid children in the European countries after World War II. In total, they collected $17 for Unicef to aid those European children. Later, Unicef adapted the idea and converted the milk cartons to orange boxes in celebration of Halloween.
It is very simple for Key Club members to contribute to Trick-or-Treat for Unicef! First, advisors can order the orange boxes from the GA Key Club website under the Unicef and Eliminate Project tab. Then, once the collection boxes arrive, advisors can hand out the boxes to the members, and, now, it’s the members’ responsibility to collect donations. While they are trick-or-treating, they can ask people to donate their loose change or money to contribute to Unicef. After donations are turned into the advisor, the advisor and club officers count the money collected, and the advisor writes a check, money order (made payable to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund), or fill out the gift form found in the GA Key Club website. Through Trick-or-Treat for Unicef, Unicef has collected for $188 million dollars, and the donations have all contributed towards helping save lives around the world.
Update: Trick-or-Treat for Unicef is going virtual! Starting on October 1st, advisors can register their clubs by visiting www.TrickorTreatforUnicef.org. Here you can enter the partner code: TOT-KIWANIS to track your progress. To earn Trick-or-Treat coins that will become money, members can participate in fun activities and watching educational videos.