Written By: Jessica Shin
Hello Key Clubbers & Faculty Advisors, My name is Jessica Shin, and I have the honor of serving as your District Governor for the 2022-23 year! I am currently a junior at Lambert High School, and I have been a part of Key Club all throughout my high school years. From being just a general member to a committee chair and lieutenant governor to the district secretary-treasurer, I developed a great passion for service and Key Club. This passion developed even further, and, now, here I am — serving as your District Governor.
I know that we have experienced unprecedented difficulties for the past two years as a district due to Covid-19, but I hope that this year we can help restore the GA District to its former glory. I truly believe that we can accomplish great things together by following our Key Club core values: leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness.
Some specific goals I have for this year are:
● Raising more awareness and fundraise for the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes to complete our District Project
● Recover membership in the Georgia District
● Send out newsletters to the entire district every other month
● Successfully lead and work with the District Board members as well as the entire District
Throughout my years on the District Board, I have seen how resilient the GA District is, and I know this year will be an unforgettable year. If you have any questions or just want to chat with me, please feel free to email me at governor@gakeyclub.org, and I will answer as soon as possible!
Yours in Service, Jessica Shin
